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♣ 27 January, 2009

We've planned. We've decided.
Year 2013, we'll make it there.
and insyAllah in 2014,
it'll be our grand official turn.

well, pursuing your career as a policeman is not that bad after all.
i'm always here to give you my thoughts and opinions.. and i know you always make the wise(r) decisions.

Love, Suuu. 12:05:00 am

♣ 22 January, 2009

No more panadols,
no more medication,
no more doctors.

Only Cellfood does the game.
nope, it aint a drug.
it's a supplement.
that does miracles..
from curing cancers to coughs to cuts/rashes to body odours.

God has shown the true-est and pure-est rawatan,
for anything.
yup, anything, and everything.
how miraculous this harmless liquid is..

Come to me,
and i'll share with you all about it.
I wana help you, and your loved ones.
Just like you do.

Love, Suuu. 4:50:00 pm

♣ 18 January, 2009

So there you go.
The first week of school is over.
And just in a blink of an eye,
the new week is back.
nothing really interesting about school.
just that, i've got new tutors..
bigger class.
lesser friends...(retained/withdrew)
as sad as it is,
im gona make this year a fruitful one..
i need to finish up my A's!
big time.
and then, finally, no more school uniforms for the rest of my life!

weekends with bobo as of course.
friday night-dinner with his squadmates namely
Haiqel, Kai and Farhan(plus his gf),
near haji lane.
*forgot the name of the shop*
it was cool i should say,
i mean,
they're funny crazy nice ppl.
oh and i love it how he introduced me to them..
whispers: *i have a thing about him saying my name out loud*
Don't think dirty pls.
Just some cheap thrills,which i dont get everyday!
"Ahh. Ni Su-ailah.."
*grins from ear to ear*

saturday-it was all my treat.
we had a sumptuous meal at Thai Restaurant at Fareast.
lovely, simply lovely.
the kangkong! AHHH! FAVOURITE!
met the other couples for a bowling session.
bought sportshoe at shaw plaza and chilled around cityhall.
bought 4 boxes of coloured ctc lenses for just 56bux.
one of which was degree-less for him.
i really want him to start loving NATURAL-coloured contact lenses.
he used to hate them so much, and he even gave me that angry tone when i really wanted to get one for him.
but i didn't care less, i just asked one for him.
and gosh, it looks good on him =)
he know has maxified brown eyes.
im vaining him up!
and and i also bought him 2 cool tops.
'jangan sampai dia perm rambut sudahh!'
*looks at ain*
ahhahaha, and that's a whole different chapter!
saturday night-went bukit batok*school area*-.- to pass cellfood and such for Din..
who was my 1 year senior and so happened to be bo's bunkmate too.
another member in hand!! ;)

check out my JUG/BOTTLE.

sunday-HEALTHY-biscuits shopping at my area with him.
went over to his place, to help him with his homework..
his biography.
2 fullscap pages long w/o leaving lines.
yup, had fun writing!
such challenges in life!
oh and i got a inspirations at the carpark, where he and his guys bom and zi did their bikes.
siapa sempat.
he was only done changing to a very noisey-almost-GPR-like-pipe by 5+pm.
note: book-in time is 7.30pm
amazing how guys are so passionate of bikes yes?
yup, that's my weekends.

waiting for the long weekends this week!
*such addiction to dresses*

oh and notice the eyes.

Love, Suuu. 9:57:00 pm

the one that i truly truly miss.
school has been so different without you around, love.
and yes,
u surprised the shit out of me during MI's open house
when i was having my dance.
most definitely, it was sweet of you to come all the way up with Cg Z to find me..
you do not know how honoured i am having you as a friend Faj.

i miss those random malam-lepak moments with you.
i miss random romantic car rides and such with you.
i miss your ultimate crapness.
i miss your loud voice which i can hear from one end to the other.
i miss going school with you in that 6.35am empty tanah merah train.
oh and most definitely, i miss that whole red look of you around school.

if only we were closer back when you were still in school.
sigh sigh.
despite it all, i'm sure you're doing great working and earning money!
kachhiing! ;)

you know, i'm alway here there wherever for you.
you know my no.~

Love, Suuu. 9:12:00 pm

♣ 11 January, 2009

Friday, karaoke-ed with cousins!
Aiyeeen and chickon.
Unfortunately Ayu couldnt tag along coz she was working.
It was actually my first experience.
It was simply crazy and kecoh, tho it was just d 3 of us..
You should've seen us...
*giggles in discreet*
you know, it was really stress-relieving!
Maybe we should go there again!
eh wait, we still have yet to pool and bowl together!
next? =)
well, gotta really apologize to chickon and aiyeeen for having to leave earlier..

and when night fell, my love came over to esplanade to meet me.
i was just too overjoyed, i had to run towards him from a distance.
only until then when i realised that i've been doing that all this while..
running towards(in oppo direction) bobo, and 'jumped' to hug him so tightly..
esp after dah lama tak jumpa..
yup, & he almost fell.
in the crowd.
i just couldnt care less of the surrounding..
hey, i miss my baby so much!
felt like those bollywood scene.
with flowers and grasses all around.
diam eh su.

And saturday..
our 41st monthsary..
how great we still are even till now.
oh and he finally got his DICKIES PANTS!
3/4 and long.
tak bagi chance uh this one! tsk!
and he treated me to watch.....

hilarious how the plot went.
you know, the guinea pig(braided one pls)..
the whole comedic acts..
hilarious beyond words.
oh and this time round.....
*gives a straigt face*
*points at you*
you better hold on to YOUR seat.
and the day went by so memoriably for the both of us...
we ended our 41st Monthsary at the Labrodor Park, just listening to the MP3 and enjoying the midnight breeze..
thanks love.. for everything..
you make me miss you so badly...
coz you always know how to make my day..

just now, just like last sunday..
spent the day at his place to erm..
polish his boots.
haha.. yes i expect that face from ya.
i guess i'm just good at it? ;)
and why wudn i wana help
him yes?
just a lil weekly favour like that would make the world a much better place to live in =)
and i love it how appreaciative he is..
with my TLC showered onto the boots..
oh boy, and you didnt know the hell i went through to his place!
(yup, went p-u-b-l-i-c, coz he was sleepybongs)
the cramps.
and today is redlightday.
just what i neeeeeeeeeed,
just before school reopens.

Love, Suuu. 7:43:00 pm

♣ 09 January, 2009

It was GFs' Day Out!
I missed hanging out with them..
esp eversince the boy had to serve the nation..
So yeah, we walked ard town..
They teman me buy my school uni(@ shaw plaza) and also my school shoes..
and the best part, we had a photo-taking session..
alot of bloopers took place during the whole 2 hours at the esplanade rooftop..
*sigh in disbelief*
me tripping around,
deena having some head-banging moment with the trees...
luckily khad didn have any bloopers.
*pats her back*
yeah and we had dinner too at marina square's foodcourt.
we sat there by 6.30pm-8.45pm..
how about that for a ghossip session?!
hilarious knowing the softer side of our BFs.
then their BFs, Zi and Bom came over to esplanade where we met them aftr that,
and chilled to talk for abit by the bay..
we have big upcoming plans ahead!
we all just so love couples' outings and bonding sessions and such..
yup2.. so more activities to come!
exciting sungguh!!!
oh and abt 10pm they walked me to the bustop...
*yes, gg p-u-b-l-i-c w/o bf ard*
well, thanks anyways girls for the lovely day!
i sure did have fun! and i really mean FUN! ;)
and thanks to fauzi and yunos for the pesanans...

Fauzi: Kalau apek(driver) slow sgt, kau marah dia! SURUH DIA PECUT SIKIT LAA!!
Yunos: Kalau apek slow sgt, kau kate laa kat dier.. "BOK DIA!*with the hands*"

yup, this what i call friends.

they are there, when bo isnt...
they cry along with me when i feel so down and blue w/o him..
and they cheer me up making it all feels like...

Love, Suuu. 12:32:00 am

♣ 07 January, 2009

If you havent noticed..
and didnt even know who actually is that idol of mine..
that has been pretty much inspiring me for the different hairstyles..
It's Alicia Keys.
Yes. It's her.
The well-inspired medium-perm.

The well-inspired small-perm.
The well-inspired straight and soft look.

But, only after A's laaah.
I wana highlight some brownish tones....
and then.........
I wana........
do THIS!
*blows whistles and pops party poppers*

i wana get that kecoh 'straight' look.
coz i had that kecoh(perm) look..
and currently having that straight(rebonded) look..
and next, really i wana mix it all up!
*oh and don't mind the BLONDEness*
i think im very 'ON' for changes..
(only for my physical aspects)
Hey, it makes your life more worthwhile!

oh and, does changes on me bothers you much?
save it.

Love, Suuu. 7:41:00 pm

yup, i'm ALL and EVERYTHING about my boyfriend whom you ALL should already know about.
He is Firdaus a.k.a BoThug.
And why did i just say i'm ALL and EVERYTHING about him??
Oh well.. let me see...
i dun noe if you'd say the same too,
if your bf is the only one who has sacrificed so much for you.
(sacrificed his bestfriend for you, sacrificed his pride for you,
sacrificed his sleep for you, sacrificed his damn morning just to send you to school from tamp to bukit batok when he had only slept for 3bloody hours,
sacrificed his image for you, sacrificed his work for you when he doesnt rely a cent from his parents and he has to pay his own bills, bike, food, clothes, GF!, and has to wait for the next month only to be able to get a job,
sacrificed his comforts JUST to make his GF happy and comfy.....)
if your bf is the only person you can be YOU(not someone else).
if your bf has a group of close friends that has been there for you,
has never stopped you from being YOU.
if your bf is willing to cancel so many other more important 'meetings' just to be there for you
(what is a meet-up as compared to a meeting that determines if he gets his diploma/any other certs?!)

you know..
i despise such stereotypical mindsets.
no matter who you are to me..
well have you really been there for me?!
maybe yes, but if you compare to how my BF has been there for me??..
i dun think so.
adding on, now he's serving NS,
and he only gets back on the weekends.
so, tell me why.. should i not be spending time with him???
no i mean, really, WHY SHUDNT I?!
when i feel all shitty and lonely when he was under confinement,
you didnt give a shit abt me.
you didnt give a bloody word of comfort to me...

i duno, i think you're just sad that you havent met a reaaaaaaaaal thing called,

oh whatever,
say what you wana say behind me, infront of me,
beside me...
you gotta check yourself first
to make others feel that you're worth someone....

and btw,
anniversaries/monthsaries are nothing,
but numbers.
quality, not quantity loves.
mark my words, big time.

Love, Suuu. 6:46:00 pm

*some random man's voice at the back: Go Carl!!*
Yup, you gotta watch it.
Big time, if you're asking for humour!
Yes Man is a good show.
This movie emphasizes how much we have to live our life to it's fullest..
And take every chances and opportunities to be a better somebody..
On the other hand, don't forget to follow ur heart and use ur brains!
Ducati fans?

In layman's terms,
*runs off*

Love, Suuu. 1:23:00 am

Last Saturday..
It was family day for us..
Kakak treated the whole family for High Tea @ Royal Plaza Hotel..
the place was high class,
and of course the food/buffet was 4thumbsup!
*looks at my 2 big toes*

Sadly, i was sick..
so the taste was kinda blend for me..
nonetheless, i cant thank kakak more for the treat.
it was superb. =)
thanks kakak!!

after that, i met bobo for abit..
cmon it's SATURDAY.
how can i not meet him?
enjoy the picapica!
parents =)
mak and su

SIL, Kak Lin!

Kakak: Oh my! LOOK AT THE BILL!!
Su: Oh my, indeed! but it's not me paying!
Note: I've got sore eye oso. hmm.
Nasi lemak.

My Family.

P.s: Actually there were MORE MORE MORE food such as rotiprata(durian),
laksa, choc fondue, japanese food, chinese food........etc3.
but, sorry too engrossed eating while chasing aftr time.
Yup, we only had 2 hours to eat like a mongstarrr.

Need to bring him there one day..

Love, Suuu. 12:43:00 am

♣Received the Memo?♣